So i've received some constructive feedback, 'bout da site. Glad you all like it & thnx, comments r always welcome...
keep 'em comin...(BTW u can use da comments under ea. post ya know...)
So criticisms aside... i have 2 agree with the title of this Post...
1st impressions are vital, especially in da Advertising Game...
So w/dat said... i would like to pose a question 2 everyone and ask u to take a quick survey...(humor me Damm't...)
I have been told by various people that my type of writing style (TXT, dat, r) shows a lack of intelligence or shall we say, shows me as less then educated, and that by not capitalizing my "i's" I don't respect myself, etc., yada, yada, yada...
My point is I never put any real value in those attributes in anyone else, unless they were professional copywriters.
I assumed, (it was logical 4 me at least) dat any1 putting more effort into anything just 2 streamline it & make it faster/bettr,(yes i know dat's subjective) must have a few more brain cells and/or synapses firing then da avg. bearrr...i mean, person... i guess it's a matter of taste... and environment...
So my point is mute in this type of environment, Public Publishing i.e. BLOGS...
It's a form of advertising that I have direct control over what my 1st impression w/potential clients will be like. So I have to put a good show on and play nice, or they will take there ball find some one else to play with.
I've used a form of shorthand if u will, all my life, from symbols & number's, 2 even whole phrases, I both drew & wrote my original shorthand and have really just transposed dat to my pseudo SMS typing style...
Weve all been conditioned to read road signs, billboards & advertisements quickly and 2 process that data just as fast.
In fact, weve have been exposed & trained to do it from an early age, Saturday Morning Cartoons anyone... Mtv, pop culture & even da street culture I grew up around. The Skater/TAGGER crowd has been using many beautiful and unique writing styles(i.e. Scribes) that unless you are trained 2 read 'em or they r explained 2u, r usually just passed off as garbage instead of art. (I will be touching on this subject and how art, especially Street Art is influencing current trends & markets in a upcoming thread... Notice how many major brand labels r jumping on the bandwagon lately, Sony PSP, Nokia, Xbox, Nike etc... )
In this digital decade of email, SMS TXT's & Blogs, time is viewed as a critical commodity...
When I write i usually do it 2 keep things organized and efficient, so that means I hate it. Thus i want it done as quickly & as painlessly as possible, dats da logical part of me workn... it doesnt matter what it looks like or even dat no1 else can read it...
its fastr & easier 4 me, nuf said...
Example #1 My shorthand:
i can r3d nuf 2 glean da inf so dat i can contnu w/more mportnt sht n my life b4 it gets 2 L8.
Example #2 Normal text:
i can read enough to gather the information so that i can continue with more important shit in my life before it gets to late...
hmm... so i only saved a couple of seconds typing my way, and only added an extra 30 or so characters typing correctly...
was it worth it 4 me??? i thought so, now im not so sure. Is it a bad habit 4 me or does it help me process my thoughts easier. I'm sure it slowed my process of thinking down & i know i can improve my time just bcuz im more accustomed 2 typing like this rite now, & since i have to pause & think about spelling da words correctly, my thoughts don't flow as freely...
Now, since this Blog is for lack of a better word a form of advertising, and I will receive many a first impression through it & I did start it to improve my writing skills, I'll be making more of an effort to type correctly in it...
but i'm stubbrn & when i get excited w/new projects &/or problems dat need answers. i am shure i will b in a hurry & this blog will have 2 take a step back in priority, so get over it already... j/k = (just kiddin...) :P
Now da irony 2 all this is in tryn 2 save myself time, i just added 2 it by still doing my notes in shorthand & now havn 2 go back & not only proof read 'em but also correct 'em...
So how is this all relevant 2 advertising? lets see... they say content is king... i think content w/relevant data trumps that...
I have been keeping track of who & where my visitors are coming from and what they are looking at &/or for... I find the data very compelling... most of my traffic from Europe & London(thanx Melanie) seem not2 care bout' my typing faux pa's. While, in direct contrast the Latin American's have beat the US (granted not everyone has commented,read or emailed me) by almost 2 to1, that I should type correctly...
I guess since they r more likely to have English as a second language(& not as a 3rd-i.e. europeans) and have had to work more at learning, speaking and writing a second language correctly, that they should voice there opinions louder...
So what do you all think?
Does a person's writing style really matter? Please take this quick Survey?
-----------------***The survey is on the side bar***----------------------->
dat was easy, cheezy...
So now a quick example about Language / Symbology, i found very impressive...
No this is not a typo... Just read it aloud as u would anything else, don't think hard 'bout it, just read...
"I rellay cduolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg! it deosn't mttaer in waht oreder the ltetres are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is the frist and lsat ltter be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sltil raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrods as a wlohe...
after a little research on the WWW and realizing many languages in the world use hundreds, if not thousands of symbols to represent words so this isn't really new...
ok it was 2 me... neato, cheeto huh...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
They say first impressions are key...
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IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO READ THIS TEENEY-TINY LITTLE WHITE TEXT OVER BLACK! And yes, I'm using capitals on purpose. I propose the following thesis: If you have something to share with a reader and,
(1) The spelling and punctuation are awkward and confusing, and
(2) The size of the font and the color of the background make it difficult to read,
then making your life "easier/faster/better" and being a slave to your own aesthetic "because you like black" means less people will read what you have to say and so you might as well be screaming into a cave somewhere in the wilderness. Same net result: you feel good because "Damn it to hell, if they don't want to play by my rules then screw them." But your outcome remains the same: you haven't challenged any conventional thinking because you haven't given your story the best opportunity to be heard. And I believe that being heard, just like being authentic, is key. How 'bout it? (And that slang is actually grammatically correct.) :)
P.S. Thanks for updating your blog. Respecting yourself and respecting others is cool.
thanx 4 da comment & yes i've taken steps to fix some points u address... hope it helps and btw u can make txt larger or smaller in most web browsers by hitting Apple Shift + or -(MAC) or Ctrl Shift + or -(PC) respectively 2 make txt larger or smaller on ur screen... thanx 4 visitin... come back anytime... =)
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