they take away from the natural beauty of any city, and for the most part r a waste of space & money unless said billboard is right above ur store... and what r the chances of that and what's da cost of having an ad campaign run consistently? let alone all year? but they serve a purpose and have been in installed and in use for far too long and the da average consumer is already conditioned 2 accept and read em... so... with dat said...

So da 1st ad is about a washing detergent for Ariel (a popular detergent in Latin America, yes i still remember da smell from my grandma...)
k so it's 2 billboards, the 1st is a smaller one of a stain that comes off as driver(s) drive by the sign, revealing a nice new clean shirt...
i wonder if this could be done with lenticular Billboards(the one's where depending on the angle seen a different ad appears... maybe have the stain reveal da logo of said product...)
Now #2 BillBoard... that is the best use of a BillBoard i have ever seen... she's my hero...
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